Quick-change adapters for special gripper insets Time is money - Save time and money with the new accessories!

Our special hole gripper insets are easy to change, and with the new quick-change adapter, it’s even faster and easier. noch schneller und noch einfacher.

  • Watch the video and explore your advantages

A skilled operator needs about 1.4 minutes to change an inset - but needs only about 11 seconds with the quick-change adapter!

This means an annual time saving of approximately 30 hours per machine (based on a 3-shift operation with our special gripper insets)!

And here are some additional benefits of the quick-change adapter:

  • It seals the new RAM blow-off module during the blow-off process.

  • Installation is tool-free.

Quick-change adapter Starterkit

Art. # 0098595 - 326 EUR
for grippers WITH turning function

  • Rotation position adjustable through rotation function

  • Completely assembled

Art. # 0098475 - 455 EUR
for grippers WITHOUT turning function

  • Rotation position adjustable via quick-change adapter

  • Completely assembled

Additional kit for quick-change adapter

Do you have multiple hole gripper insets in various sizes in use in production and want to deploy additional quick-change adapters?

With each additional quick-change adapter, you save on the gripper-side quick-change holder which is included in your starter kit!

Art. # 0098587 - 120 EUR
for grippers WITH turning function

  • Completely assembled

  • Like 0098595, but without quick-change holder

Art. # 0098474 - 250 EUR
for grippers WITHOUT turning function

  • Completely assembled

  • Like 0098475, but without quick-change holder


Your direct line to us Learn more about ROBOWORKER's newsletter offer

We would be happy to present our new quick-change adapters for the gripper insets to you in more detail. Contact us directly or via our contact form.

Produktions- und Serviceleiter ROBOWORKER
Herbert Hoffmann
Head of Production and After Sales Service

Accessory for flange-mounted punch cleaner

If you use a flange-mounted punch cleaner with your gripper, you will need this accessory to ensure that the brushes reach the optimal cleaning position:

Art. # 0098594 - 390 EUR

Three-position gripper station

Do you have multiple quick-change adapters in use? We have the solution for securely storing them in the machine while keeping them readily accessible.

Art. # 0098644 - 90 EUR
for insets on quick-change adapters

Can be flexibly expanded

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