Brushing Station RBS Compact The perfect entry-level version

The footprint-optimized RBS Compact brushing station requires manual insertion of a sinter tray with green parts.

The RBS Compact brushing station features the same hardware and software capabilities for processing green parts as larger variants like the RBS 100 and RBS Magazine Solutions. It can handle all types of sinter trays.

On-site commissioning by ROBOWORKER is not necessary for the RBS Compact brushing station. It only needs to be connected to the power grid, compressed air supply, and the customer's exhaust system.

Training can easily be conducted online.

Brushing Station RBS Compact
Interior Brushing Station RBS

Characteristics of the RBS Compact

  • Brushing station designed for manual insertion of sinter trays.
  • High-precision axis system with various precision brushing bars.
  • Flexible parameterization for complex geometries.
  • Storage of relevant green part data.
  • Operation via touchscreen.
Cutting inserts on sinter tray

Your direct line to us Learn more about ROBOWORKER green part machining systems

We would be delighted to present our machines to you in more detail. As your competent partner, we are eager to accommodate your needs and requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Gebietsverkaufsleiter Matthias Giray
Matthias Giray
Area Sales Manager

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